Relates the amazing fruits of a tour through Eastern Europe of a papally blessed Pilgrim Virgin statue of Our Lady of the Rosary of Fatima. The effect of the statue was especially strong in the Ukraine and included the conversion of former enemies of the Faith. $10.00
Examines the work of St. Maximilian Kolbe from the perspective of the message of Our Lady of Fatima and the words of the Book of the Apocalypse. Reveals how St. Maximilian Kolbe provided a response to the beasts of the Apocalypse. Explains why traditional Catholics have an impact far beyond their small numbers. Identifies the last means that God gave to the wrold in our times. $10.00
In the Wake of the Red Hammer
Examines the little understood dynamics of religion in Eastern Europe since the end of the Soviet Union. Discusses his apostolate of bringing Catholic tradition to the lands so crucial of the prophecies of Our Lady of Fatima. Explores the intriguing possibilities of a religious revival in the East. $10.00
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