1. Subjects of Our Catholic Faith
Five videos rolled into one. An incredible bargain. Rich for meditation. $20
- Part I. The Blessed Eucharist
- Part II. Mary Our Mother
- Part III. Doctrine of the Holy Ghost
- Part IV. Jesus, Our Lord and Saviour
- Part V. The Hail Mary
2. The Holy Rosary
15 decades. Done according to the method of St. Louis de Montfort. Hundreds of pictures to help meditation on the mysteries. Beautiful. 90 minutes. $20
- DVD 3. The Old Testament: Preparation for Christianity
An audiovisual presentation which emphasizes how events of the Old Testament prefigure the life of Christ in the New Testament. Greatly increases one’s knowledge and understanding of the Old Testament.
- Volume I. Adam to Moses $20
- Volume II. Moses to David $20
- Volume III. David to Christ $20
All three volumes are available for $55.
- DVD 4. The Principle |
Produced by Rick DeLano and Robert Sungenis.
This film documentary focuses on the position of the earth in the cosmos: Is the earth located in a central or a peripheral location in the universe? The Principle brings to light astonishing new scientific discoveries challenging the modern scientific world view. For this reason, the film generated a storm of controversy when it was released. The Principle utilizes awesome film techniques which help make it fascinating to view.
- DVD 5. The Way of the Cross |
14 stations. Done according to the method of St. Alphonsus Liguori. Hundreds of beautiful pictures to help meditate on the Stations of the Cross. Lovingly done. 35 Minutes
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